Shak Hill
Shak loves to teach and add value to understanding! Even though he holds a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) in Finance, Shak is able to explain the sometimes complicated financial world and making it easy to understand. He loves to enhance the overall level of understanding of financial planning and the importance of creating your unique financial recipe.
Another area of great concern to Shak is to help those who have been diagnosed with serious medical conditions, like cancer or a need for organ transplants. Shak’s wife Robin is a very healthy bone cancer survivor, after an initial diagnoses of six months to live. Shak is an organ donor and on the national bone marrow transplant list. He donates blood every 56 days, without fail. He has been there; he has walked in your shoes; let him help you and your family.
A gifted speaker, Shak is available for presentations to your group about updated and timely financial topics. He is often been asked to be speaker including topics like working with the widow and the importance of understanding the challenges she faces, and also the importance of financial planning when the doctor has said there is cancer or life threatening diagnosis. Learn more about Shak at ShakHill.com or his LinkedIn page, linkedin.com/in/shakhill/.
Shak is a father of six and has been a foster father to forty-six children. He and Robin live in Centreville, VA.
Video Course
A Woman’s Guide to Financial Planning:
The 7 Essential Ingredients For Your Best Financial RECIPE
You will be impressed.
When Shak’s mom was on her own, she made some financial decisions that would prove to have not been in her long-term best interest.
Are you widowed, or divorced? Do you want to learn more about financial planning — or know someone who does?
Then you will love this video course!
Shak has created a comprehensive course even the Dave Ramsey Show would enjoy. If you feel like you’re investing for dummies with questions on how to start investing, or how to create a financial plan, this course is for you! How have your protected yourself from running out of money? Do you know the three threats to every woman’s finances, or the two most important questions to start your plan with, or the 7 Essential Ingredients to create your financial plan? With over 3 1/2 hours of instruction, a companion workbook, and 2 more hours of bonus tracks, you will become well equipped to build a financial plan that ensures your dreams come true!
Shak Hill and Dave Ramsey are not affiliated in any way.
A Woman’s Guide To Financial Planning
When my mother was 43 years old, she was divorced after 22 years of marriage and 5 boys, and I’m number two. Through no fault of her own, my mother was not prepared to handle her half of the settlement, and had tripped herself down the path of becoming an “old lady on a fixed income.” A Woman’s Guide to Financial Planning is fast past, fun and entertaining AND informative. The 7 Essential Ingredients walks the reader towards a real path to creating a well thought-out financial plan. Real stories allow the reader to learn quickly the importance of planning, so she doesn’t outlive her money. This book is a must read for all women who are faced with making independent financial decisions.
When The Doctor Says It’s Cancer: A Caring Financial Plan For Life
This book is full of wonderful planning techniques and hidden jewels that will allow your legacy to be the one you desire. And, who knows when that will be!
When Shak’s wife Robin was diagnosed with a rare form of bone-cancer in 1993, she was given six months to live and a 10% chance of survival. The doctors told us to “get our affairs in order!” Well, needless to say, he had no idea what it meant, since they didn’t even have a will at that time.
Today, Robin lives a vibrant life and they have their financial plan in order! This book will help you sure up your legacy and create a plan for life!
Your Family’s Guiding Light
We all leave a legacy. It should be one of Love and Understanding, but it might be one of angst and frustration. Your Family’s Guiding Light allows you to leave information to your loved ones about important matter, in a time when you are unable to do so yourself.
Have you ever heard of someone you know that left a mess and nightmare for their family? No one knew where any of the accounts were, where the key to the safety deposit box was, or who the attorney was that created the estate planning documents. Your Family’s Guiding Light allows you to easily fill in information that your loved ones need in order to properly take care of you. The gift of information and love. When you can’t.
Booklet is interactive with links for ease of navigation. We suggest printing out and putting the booklet in a 3-ring binder, and remove and replace pages as needed, when information changes. That way, you will always have the most current information for your loved ones!
Every Life Matters
This book is full of wonderful planning techniques and hidden jewels that will allow your legacy to be the one you desire. And, who knows when that will be!
When Shak’s wife Robin was diagnosed with a rare form of bone-cancer in 1993, she was given six months to live and a 10% chance of survival. The doctors told us to “get our affairs in order!” Well, needless to say, he had no idea what it meant, since they didn’t even have a will at that time.
Today, Robin lives a vibrant life and they have their financial plan in order! This book will help you sure up your legacy and create a plan for life!
Reclaim American Fatherhood
As foster parents, Robin and Shak have fostered 46 children since 1997. They have seen firsthand the devastating effect of fatherless homes.
As a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy, combat pilot, former elected official including candidate for the United States Congress in Virginia, Shak brings wonderful and unique insights to life, and life’s adventures. His presentations are hard hitting, straight to the point and powerful reminders that we need to take hold of life if we are to use God’s gifts and talents.
But you don’t have to be foster parents to notice these effects. From the role that major media plays, including movies, books, and TV shows, to the civil unrest we are experiencing in our society, fatherhood is seriously being threatened.
Shak details where we have come, where we are, and the practical solutions to Reclaim American Fatherhood.